To Live the Great Commandment: Love of God and Love of Neighbor
Adult Continuing Education Come join the group on Wednesday, November 20 at 5:30 PM in the Community Center in Perkinsville.
Diocesan and Parish Census 2024
The Diocese of Rochester is currently in the process of carrying out a census initiative. The purpose of this census is to gather accurate and up-to-date information about all our registered parishioners, as well as those Catholics not yet registered in our parishes.
Your participation is critical to the success of the Census. Please use the link below to complete the Census
Should you have any additional questions about the census process, please contact the parish office at 585 728 2228. We appreciate your participation in this initiative.
From the Desk of Father John
Dear Parishioner,
A good steward is an active and creative parishioner! This is a story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody. There was an important job to be done, and Everybody was sure Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry, because it was Everybody's job. Everybody thought Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized Everybody wouldn't do it. So, Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done. It is a fact that in most organizations 20% of the members do most of the work and carry the load of the remaining 80%. Unfortunately, our churches sometimes fall into this dilemma. Imagine what would happen if these figures were reversed and the majority of members got turned on to the excitement of who we are, whom we are called to serve and what power is available in the person of the Holy Spirit.
As Holy Family Catholic Community Christians, we are incorporated into the Body of Christ through baptism. The divine gifts of Word, Sacrament and Apostolic Faith are handed down to us through the Catholic Church. We are called to be stewards of the Church through personal participation in and support of the Church’s mission of proclaiming and teaching, serving and sanctifying according to the mind of Jesus Christ. Membership in any organization or group implies both privileges and responsibilities. The same is true for Holy Family Catholic Community parishioners. One who is an active (registered) participating member of Holy Family parish: attends Sunday Mass regularly to be nourished by the Word and Eucharist; takes advantage of the opportunity to receive the healing and sustaining grace available from our Lord through the Sacrament of Reconciliation(Confession); participates in parish life by attending religious and social programs whenever possible; assumes responsibility for the parish life by becoming involved and serving according to one’s abilities; supports the parish to provide for the continuance of ministries within the parish and outreach to the surrounding community Active, participating parishioners enjoy a unique union with Christ and, in him, with one another in the parish family. They are grateful for blessings received and strive to live out the call to discipleship in their daily lives. All members are asked to share in the responsibility of financially supporting their parish and are encouraged to use envelopes with their contributions or electronic giving. Why then register with Holy Family Catholic Community? Why register with the parish? Registering in a parish is a declaration of your desire to be part of our Catholic community and to make a commitment to the life of the parish family. Being a registered parishioner makes the process easier when it is time for infant baptism, weddings, budgeting, discerning the needs of the parish and when asked to be a baptismal or confirmation sponsor, and even funerals. A registered parishioner is able to receive parish mailings. We accept anyone who in fact wants to share in the life of our parish. Thank you to all who have already participated in the ongoing census!
Please contact the parish office if you wish to register with Holy Family Catholic Community. As best we can, we would like to keep our records up to date. Please notify the parish office of changes in your contact information or if your status with the parish has changed. So that there may be no confusion about this issue, to be considered an active and contributing member of the parish, people should be attending Mass on Sunday here at Holy Family Catholic Community, be financially supporting the parish, and be involved in the parish on some level. I simply do not know everyone in the parish, nor do I see everyone each Sunday. Again, the best way for me to know that you are active is for you to use your envelopes. But by far my greatest concern is that you are attending Mass every Sunday. If you are not attending Mass, then it would certainly be dishonest for me to report that you are an active parishioner. It would also be dishonest for you to expect that designation. The only exception are our Home bound parishioners and those in health care facilities, and note well, many of them remain the great financial donors for our church!
Did you know? In keeping our parish records current it is important for us to know if you have moved or added a family member. We also recommend you are only registered with one parish, as all parishes are assessed by the Diocesan Office for how many registered parishioners we have on our files. If you are registered but not active in your financial contribution, then the burden is shouldered by a small percentage, yet your count was considered especially in the diocesan assessment on both the CMA and Catholic courier goal. Certainly, every parishioner needs to be supporting their parish financially. Since no money comes from the Bishop, our entire over $500,000 budget is met from the collection on Sunday and other parishioners donation. If you do not contribute, the parish would simply be unable to continue its ministries and operation. I ask each of you to please pray and consider your weekly contribution and decide if it is truly something that is sacrificial and virtuous. Your contribution should not merely come from your excess but should be considered first among all expenses and obligations for the month. Last, THANK YOU for all the contributions of time, talent, and treasure that you made to our parish. It is obvious our parish has benefited, and we want to let you know it is appreciated. Peace and Hope, Fr. John
Mission Statement
To live the Great Commandment
Jesus said to him, 'You shall love the Lord, your God with all your heart,
with all your soul, and with all your mind.' And
'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.'
Matthew 22: 37-38