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Faith Formation

3Pre K to 8th Grade Faith Formation 2024-2025              Summer Letter to Parents 8.12.24                                                       

Our Faith Formation programs are offered to all of our youth ages 3-18.  Our goal is to share God’s word to help our children grow in their Catholic faith.  According to our Diocese of Rochester polices youths should be offered (and attend) at least 30 hours of Faith Formation classes during the school year.  Our programs offer a mix of lasses, service projects and family activities in order to ensure that the children can meet that requirement.

Mass attendance is an important part of your child’s Faith Formation process and growth.  On Faith Formation Sundays, we’re working hard to create a “Family Mass” experience.  The homilies during these Masses are created with the children’s spiritual need in mind and we encourage children and parents to participate during Masses.  Children and families can also sign up to volunteer at these Masses to greet, lector, altar serve, usher and more!
School Age Faith Formation
Activity Nights/Retreats
Sacramental Preparation


2024-2025 Faith Formation Registration