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Councils and Committees

Pastoral leadership is a ministry of service. Pastoral leadership and authority cannot be separated from the action of service which builds up community and empowers its members to reach their full individual stature.

Parish Governance Policy

Pastoral Council

The Pastoral Council is a consultative body to the pastor (or pastoral administrator).   The specific purposes of the Pastoral Council are:

  • to develop a common vision and purpose, actively advocate for the poor and the powerless, and to extend Christian commitment to the surrounding neighborhoods and communities;
  • to orchestrate a statement of mission for the parish community and become the reference point for activity in the parish;
  • to provide recommendations for parish priorities, directions and policies through pastoral planning for worship, evangelization, outreach, stewardship, etc.;
  •  to promote communication, understanding, and collaboration among parish organizations and between the parish, the bishop, the diocese and the universal Church.

Pastoral Council Members:

  • Dave Nuetzel – Chair
  • Jacquie Stephens – Secretary
  • Ed Clark
  • Kathy Dunning
  • Tom Fellion
  • Linda Fulford
  • Mike Martina
  • Paula Quanz
  • Laurie Recktenwald
  • Heidi Robinson

Latest Parish Council Meeting Minutes (Approved)

Finance Council

The Finance Council is a mandated consultative body per the Code of Canon Law which advises pastors regarding stewardship of parish financial resources. The council possesses a consultative voice in administering parish finances.

Some areas in which the Finance Council provides counsel and assistance:

  • Develop a long-range financial plan for funding operational and capital needs in the parish.
  • Develop and oversee the process for determining and approving an annual parish budget.
  • Provide analysis of current financial reports.
  • Provide fiscal analysis for proposed goals, strategies and programs.

Parish Finance Council Members:

  • John Crossett – Finance Council Chairperson
  • Bud Higginbotham – Finance Council Co-Chairperson
  • Linda Hoose – Secretary
  • Cathy Azzi
  • Mary Ann Holden
  • Kevin Kilbourne
  • Nancy Reigelsperger
  • Pam Selbig