Holy Family Catholic Community

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To access the weekly bulletin,
please go to https://www.parishesonline.com
Under Church name, type in Holy Family
Near:  Wayland













Holy Family Catholic Community

To Live the Great Commandment: Love of God and Love of Neighbor

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Update on Priest Reassignment

I would like to inform you all that Bishop Matano has informed me on Thursday, May 20, 2020 through the Vicar General, Fr. Paul Tomaso, that I will not be re-assigned to another parish this June, as was expected.

Please note that the bulletin for this week, which is available on our website hfccwny.org was sent to the publisher prior to me obtaining the news that my reassignment was postponed. Therefore, this update is the most up-to-date information.

Let us continue to pray for an end to this pandemic, for the bishop and all the priests and for one another Thank you all for your support and concern.

God bless,
Fr. Stephen .


Helpless and Hopeful

This year’s Holy week and Easter celebrations are certainly different for all of us. It is the first time in our lives and journey of faith that we cannot gather as a believing and worshipping community. It may be the first time that families will not gather for the usual Easter meal. Every social aspect of our lives has been altered in ways that perhaps will only become more real to us after we have gone through this experience. These days are days filled with, fear, and anxiety, pain from sickness and loss of livelihood and death emanating from infection by the corona virus. Amid all this, it is easy to feel helpless as we wonder how it all will end.

Easter hope is the message of Christ who embraced our humanity in all its limitations apart from sin. Jesus Christ is not a stranger to suffering, pain and even death. His death and resurrection remind us that he embraced a broken world in order to renew it. He was not afraid in time of difficulty but continued to do his Father’s will to the end. Our help during these times of trial will come from God who never abandons us.

We are being called to continue to deepen our faith and trust in God especially during these turbulent times. It is perhaps time to revisit our prayer habits which often will tell us how much we depend on God and not ourselves and other created things. This is a good time to go back to the basics of our faith, recite the rosary, the creed, the Our Father. Pray for the living, the suffering the dying. Pray for those who endanger their lives for the sake of others, especially all those in the health profession.

Make an examination of conscience, every night before you go to bed. If you have time left read your Bible and the Catechism of the Catholic Church that you may have abandoned along the way. Pray for the spirit of perseverance and endurance.

When you have done all theses, spend some time in silence and meditation: it is good both for your spiritual and bodily health. Truly take this time to reunite yourself with God and you will rise again with him. Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. Wishing you all a Happy and Healthy Easter. .

Fr. Stephen.




Mission Statement

To live the Great Commandment
Jesus said to him, 'You shall love the Lord, your God with all your heart,
with all your soul, and with all your mind.'
'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.'
Matthew 22: 37-38



Parish Office
206 Fremont Street
Wayland, NY 14572
Phone: 585-728-2228
Fax: 585-728-2232
Email: hfcc@dor.org


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